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So it is apparent that you know that you are going to have a baby. And you have really touched on so many points. I've never had a baby so I can't answer any of those "what ifs" but I think it's safe to say that having a baby will be farthest from boring no matter what! Ultimately, the decision is going to be up to you. But I think this blog is great to help you decide. And just a little reminder, you have raised three dogs. One of which you've been nursing back from a major surgery. In no way am I trying to compare dogs to babies, but you've done that by yourself...

yes - I'm here because of Gretchen: ( she sent me - via her blog ) - I love you guys = thinkers / 'doers' - just love it!!! :{)

Regarding Ency Rule #1. I love my job. Don't feel I been working for the last 15 years! Do question myself from time to time if I miss out on other 'better' things. Recently I start putting time aside exploring other things. So far so good.

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    What is Starfish Envy??

    • L.A. 2009. I’m stuck in traffic on the 101 freeway, listening to Isabella Rosselini on NPR. Isabella, for some reason, mentions that starfish are one of those rare species that can reproduce asexually, and I realize that if I could do that, I wouldn't have to worry about finding a boyfriend/husband. I wouldn’t have to internet date! I wouldn't have to figure out if I want to/can/should have a baby/adopt a baby/child on my own. I wouldn't have to stress about things like FSH levels, or weigh my feelings on in vitro versus adoption. I would just have a baby. Thus began my starfish envy.
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