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Yo S,

Congrats on the Astro-Enlightenment...'bout time you figure out the cheats to this net-game of life we play every day!!! I had my epiphany on fear when I was 12...I was seriously afraid of Street Cleaners (my pet dog almost got run-over by one when I was 4)and had to hold out a stop sign to one when I was a patrol boy at school! Faced the fear...had to deal...no time for the brain cramps to take hold of me! Everything has been chill ever since...glad you made the same trip!

Big Smiles - 22

P.S. ...high maintenance only scares the boys away...a true man recognizes the worth of it!

Always helps to find a guy who went out with/was married to a woman who was more high maintenance than you. It's all relative. :)

This is awesome! Very glad to hear all this. Yay Sarah!

Any chance you would share Stephanie's contact info with me?

Please, pretty please?

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  • 'Bass Ackwards and Belly Up' and 'Footfree and Fancyloose' tell the story of four best friends who commit the ultimate suburban sin: putting off college to pursue their dreams.

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    What is Starfish Envy??

    • L.A. 2009. I’m stuck in traffic on the 101 freeway, listening to Isabella Rosselini on NPR. Isabella, for some reason, mentions that starfish are one of those rare species that can reproduce asexually, and I realize that if I could do that, I wouldn't have to worry about finding a boyfriend/husband. I wouldn’t have to internet date! I wouldn't have to figure out if I want to/can/should have a baby/adopt a baby/child on my own. I wouldn't have to stress about things like FSH levels, or weigh my feelings on in vitro versus adoption. I would just have a baby. Thus began my starfish envy.
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