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Maybe YOU should. :-)

I agree with Chris, write the screenplay and then go looking for Kathryn Bigelow. I heard the NPR story as well and was amazed that I knew nothing about these women. Kind of like the Tuskegee Airmen.

Don't give all of your great ideas away to other people.

It was a great piece, wasn't it? And made me mad as hell, too. I'll help with the research if you want to write it.

Come on Sarah. You've got a lot on your plate right now so what's one more thing? Seriously? I'd love to see this story told.

It's sounds like a story that NEEDS to be told & would really get the attention it deserves if it were a major motion picture.

What would be worse? If someone else wrote the screenplay, or if no one every wrote a screenplay.

Blessings, C

I think you should write the screenplay. It would be awesome. And if you want additional research from a WASP perspective, I am friends with one and Mom is friends with several. In fact, Mom escorted one of the WASPs from Missouri to DC so that she could receive her medal. I'll have to send you the pics.

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