Sorry for not posting, folks. A new router is on the way, and should be arriving in the next couple days, which will hopefully solve at least half the problem. In the meantime, I'm relegated to these quick from-work-in-stolen-moments posts. Blech.
I was going to post about The Switch today, but what with the no-time and all, I'll be brief: loved it. Totally go see it.
I miss you.
Posted by: Christi | 08/23/2010 at 11:58 AM
I was debating seeing The Swtich tonight. You never steer me wrong, so I'm definitely going!
I hope your internet gets fixed completely very soon!
Posted by: Shannon | 08/23/2010 at 12:33 PM
Wonderful - I love Jason Bateman and now I can't wait. I seem to like everything you suggest watching. Thanks for that.
Posted by: Karen | 08/23/2010 at 07:40 PM
Loved The Switch! Just bought mockingjay based on your tweets. Am expecting to love the book (and the whole series). Thanks for another recommendation. Come back soon!
Posted by: amy | 08/24/2010 at 08:51 AM