I know I've mentioned The Business of Being Born before.
But just in case you're new or don't remember, TBOBB is a documentary by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein about birthing in America.
If you're pregnant, it's must-watch. If you're not pregnant, IT'S MUST-WATCH.
Watch it if you're a guy, watch it if you're a doctor, watch it if you know anyone who's ever going to give birth someday. It's fascinating and eye-opening and educational.
But that's not what I want to tell you about tonight.
Tonight I want to tell you about More Business of Being Born!
MBOBB is a four-part follow-up series to the original documentary. Part One focuses on legendary midwife Ina May Gaskin, and is filmed largely at her birthing compound, The Farm-- which, having just finished reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, I was absolutely fascinated to see.
Part Two is all celebrities telling their birth stories. Now, famous or not, I am all about hearing birth stories. If I could walk up to random women at the grocery store and ask them to tell me their birth stories, I would. Some women had natural births, others had epidurals, and at least one had a C-section.
Part Three covers the difference between midwives and doulas; hospital birth centers vs. free-standing birth centers; and the potential risks of inductions and C-sections.
Part Four is all about VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). I haven't watched it yet, since it's not applicable to me, but I'll certainly watch it at some point. I have no doubt that it's enlightening and interesting.
If I weren't so busy with the exhausing business of being pregnant, I'd write something more analytical and incisive about it all. Instead, I'll just say: check it out.
The Business of Being Born is currently available on Netflix. I rented More Business of Being Born on Apple TV.
knowledge is power...some things you will be able to control, other things, not so much...i did NOT want a c-section but Baby B did not want to cooperate...best laid plans. was the first time but so not the last. they will be home TODAY for 5 weeks yippee yippee yippee. i'm sure they would say the exact same thing-but check with us in a week. re-entry not always easy.
having them drive in the driveway, safe & sound..priceless
same exact feeling the day they were born, healthy & hearty...priceless
you were meant to be a mother, also priceless
Posted by: jerie b | 12/12/2011 at 10:41 AM
agreed...knowledge is power...I had a csection with our first baby because he was breech, my water broke so there was no option of a version. I was able to do a VBAC with our next 2 babies and the healing was SO much better than with the csection. I think the best mindset is that things don't always go the way we plan, but as long as the baby is healthy, that is all that matters. So happy for you, enjoy this journey :)
Posted by: kathy | 12/12/2011 at 07:41 PM
I've given birth 3 different ways, all very different. #1 was a long labor with drugs and an eventual spinal block. #2 was a semi-long labor with no drugs and afterwards I felt like I could have gotten up and walked out of the hosptial that day. That was the BEST birth. #3 was c-section(breech). Last two were repeat c-sections. I never had a problem with the sections and healed quickly from them.
You will find out that however your baby's birth goes, it'll be just fine. It's all just a means to an end. And that end is an adorable baby girl!
Posted by: Chris Green | 12/12/2011 at 08:07 PM
I agree with all of the previous comments. The most important thing is a healthy mom and baby at the end of the day. I'm an open minded OBGYN but I would never recommend a home birth far from a hospital. Things go well 99 % of the time but that 1 % can be fatal. Just not worth it!!
I'm a believer that if you have an open mind and go with the flow, you will probably get exactly what you wish for!
Good Luck!
Posted by: Heather | 12/12/2011 at 10:12 PM
Loved TBOBB! Thanks for the recommendation! Really opened my eyes that I definitely dont want to just turn up at the hospital and let doctors decide 100% what will happen. Now I'm on to read Ina May's book!
Posted by: Carmel | 12/26/2011 at 06:59 AM