I have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award!
I'm quite excited about it.
In fact, other than a Peabody, I think it's the first award I've been nominated for as an adult. So yay! Screw the Emmys!
S at Ticking Clock nominated me, which is a particular honor, because she's pretty damn awesome. Federal agent. Has her you-know-what together enough at 31 to know she's ready to go down this Single Mom By Choice road. (Wish I'd figured it out by 31. Oops.) Willing to share the nitty-gritty of this trying-to-get pregnant process with her readers, even when it totally sucks.
So, S, thank you.
Now, as a nominee, I have two obligations to fulfill. The first is to share seven things about myself, so:
1) I hate putting dishes in the dishwasher. I don't why, I just hate it. Hate. Hatehatehate.
2) And yet I'm fine with unloading the dishwasher. Makes absolutely no sense.
3) I just got a Sodastream. BEST THING EVER.
4) I still have a friend from first grade. Hi, D!
5) I am so sick of doing IUIs, I can't even tell you. And yet I'm probably doing at least one more, most likely two. Because my new doctor agrees that the FIVE IUIs I did-- yes, FIVE-- were completely pointless due to poor timing and an utter failure to deal with my consistently short luteal phase. Grrrr.
6) My favorite place in the whole wide world is Lake Vermilion, in northern Minnesota. Followed closely by Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bruges, Bergen, Asheville, and Vienna, in no particular order.
7) I'm an excruciatingly independent only child.
The second, and most exciting, part of the nomination is having the opportunity to nominate seven of my favorite bloggers.
Some of my favorite bloggers have been nominated by others-- which is handy, because now I don't have to stress about whether to include folks like Shannon at Chasing Rainbows and SingleMom2B in my list o' seven. Somebody's already got them covered. Well-deserved, ladies.
With no further ado, here are my nominees:
1) Gotta start with Jenna at Cold Antler Farm. Because she's way cooler than me.
2) And then there's Jenny at Chicken Corner (which is apparently now part of LAObserved). Love having her perspective on my neighborhood.
3) My neighbor, Jesus, writes The Eastsider LA, which I read every single day.
4) Claire, at With All My Heart, recently went through one of the most frightening experiences imaginable when her daughter, Fiona, was struck with a life-threatening illness. So grateful to Claire for her willingness to share with the rest of us, and happy to report that Fiona has largely recovered and is doing great!
5) I love reading about Liz and Elfe's journey on Inventing My Life.
6) Jellybean Mama never fails to make me laugh. And often cry.
7) Finally, Lulu McCabe writes a blog called "What Now? A candid account of my experience with foster/adopting a teenager in Los Angeles."
So there you have it. Thrilled to be nominated. Thanks for thinking of me, S!
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